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How Much Do Link Building Companies Earn?

How Much Do Link Building Companies Earn?

Link building remains one of the most in-demand services for SEO agencies and brands looking to improve search rankings. But how lucrative is starting a link building company or career?

In this article, we’ll examine the revenue sources, impacting factors, and real-world stats around incomes for link building firms and specialists based on over 20 years in the SEO industry.

Revenue Sources for Link Building Companies

There are two main ways link building companies generate revenue from clients:

Monthly Retainers

Ongoing link building campaigns are usually billed on a monthly retainer basis. Average retainers range from $1,500 to $5,000+ per month based on the scope of services required.

Retainers provide predictable recurring revenue as long as clients see results month-to-month. Established agencies often manage retainers across dozens of clients at any given time.

One-Time Project Fees

Link building services may also be contracted on a one-time project basis with defined deliverables and timelines. Common projects include guest post outreach for a set number of placements, link reclamation, or manual link building campaigns.

Average one-time project costs are $500 to $5,000+ depending on competition, site authority, and required links. Transactional project work brings in revenue between ongoing retainers.

Additional revenue can come from content marketing and other services that complement link building campaigns. But retainers and project fees make up the bulk of income.

Factors Impacting Revenue

Not all link building agencies earn the same income. Factors like experience, location, services, and more impact revenues:

Client Size and Niche

Bigger brands and agencies have larger link building budgets, allowing higher retainers and project fees. High-value services like outreach for law firms and healthcare providers also command above-average pricing.

Reputation and Results

Established agencies with a proven track record of successful campaigns can charge premium prices. Their reputation and case studies justify higher retainers.


Agencies in countries with lower costs of living and labor can still generate healthy revenues while underpricing competitors in major metro areas.

Number of Clients

More retainers and monthly recurring revenue add up faster. Managing campaigns for just 5 mid-level retainers generates $7,500+ per month.

Average Income and Revenue Stats

A survey by Link Builders showed:

  • Solo link builders averaged $60,000 to $70,000 per year in revenue.
  • Small link agencies with 2-3 employees averaged $250,000 to $500,000.
  • Large agencies with 10+ employees cited revenues from $1 million to over $4 million per year.

Clearly, larger teams allow taking on more clients and provide immense revenue upside. But even solo link builders can earn a healthy living by raising rates and focusing on high-value clients.

Case Studies of Profitable Link Building Companies

To showcase the earning potential, here are two short case studies:

LinkBuild Agency

Founded in 2018 by two industry veterans, LinkBuild Agency quickly expanded to over $300,000 in annual recurring revenue by securing mid-market tech and healthcare clients on $4,000 – $7,000 monthly retainers. Their team of 5 link builders handles 20+ ongoing campaigns.

Link Solutions

A UK-based agency, Link Solutions earned over £500,000 in 2021 working with both local and overseas clients. By keeping team size under 10, their overhead remains low while monthly retainers exceed £5,000 for enterprise accounts.

These examples illustrate how even relatively new agencies can generate significant revenues through specialization, retention, and tapping high-value niche clients.

Strategies for Increasing Profit Margins

Beyond simply securing more clients, agencies can boost profitability by:

  • Creating proprietary prospecting and outreach processes to work faster.
  • Developing additional high-value service offerings like those requiring consultants.
  • Partnering with other agencies to reduce overhead costs.
  • Automating reporting and analysis using AI tools.

The most successful agencies continue innovating on delivery while controlling costs to maximize margins over the long-term.

Final Words

While results vary based on clients, locations, and offerings, top link building companies can drive millions in annual revenue by effectively monetizing retainers and projects.

Solo specialists should aim for at least $60,000 to $70,000 by targeting valuable niches. Agencies with dedicated teams and expert processes can expect over $250,000 and beyond.

The demand for quality link building services shows no signs of slowing. Companies that invest in the right talent, efficient workflows, and client results will profit handsomely from this growing need in the coming years.

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